Codey Rocky is an entry-level coding robot for STEAM education.
The combination of easy-to-use robotics hardware with visual programming software mBlock 5, gives all children the opportunity to take their first steps into the world of code and compose their first ?Hello World!? statement at the same time as they explore their creativity.
Codey Rocky allows the interaction between hardware and software, enabling children to learn about the basics of programming through playing and creating. Used in combination with mBlock 5, Codey Rocky supports block-based and Python programming. It integrates the AI and IoT technologies, allowing children to engage with and understand cutting-edge technologies and therefore become more competitive in the age of intelligence.
Codey Rocky is a caterpillar tracked robot. It integrates over 10 electronic blocks, including sound sensor, light sensor, LED screen and more. And with just a few lines of code, you can easily make Codey Rocky do all kinds of amazing things, like playing music, chasing lights or changing facial expressions like humans.